
POW – Unnamed Function #2

This Problem of the Week involves determining the identity of a well-known computer science function and renaming the variables so that the definition makes more sense.  The following is the function definition (obfuscated by me): What I can tell you is that this function takes in a sorted array (in ascending order) as the Read more…

By Chris West, ago

POW Answer – Party Balloons

This is the answer to last week’s Problem of the Week: One thing that I like to do when solving these types of problems is determining what percentage of the work each participant will do. The problem stated that Tasheera takes 16 seconds for each balloon, whereas Omar takes 18 Read more…

By Chris West, ago

POW – Party Balloons

A group of friends are preparing for a party. Tasheera and Omar are in charge of preparing the balloons. Tasheera takes eight seconds to inflate each balloon, three seconds to tie each, and a five second break in between each one. Omar takes ten seconds to inflate each balloon, five Read more…

By Chris West, ago