If you want to either look for the top programming resources on the web or add your link, visit the brand new site Ciphly.com.
The Top Sites You Want To See!
This new site allows you to see the top programming resources by language and category (library, documentation, etc.).
Scoring Is Driven By Visits & Likes
When a signed in user likes the link. - 2 POINTS
When traffic is directed from the site on this list to Ciphly.com. Custom referrer URLs as found in the My Links section must be used to redeem these points. - 1 POINT
When a visitor clicks on the link in the list.
Scoring Is Also Driven By Recency
The sites with the most recent points will be kept at the top. Recency expires after 3 days. This means that only the sites that everyone is visiting from or going to will appear at the very top.
Best Links Will Come From YOU!
I personally am most interested in JavaScript so most of my links will focus on those technologies, but the whole world wants to see your favorite links so please sign up for FREE today and add your favorite resources!