Recently I was working on something that required inserting key-value pairs into an array after a specific key in PHP. As I was looking through stackoverflow answers I realized that there was no awesome answer that really jumped out at me. Therefore I decided to take a few minutes to just write my own array_splice_assoc() function to get the job done:

As you can see this function takes the same parameters that array_splice() does but the difference is that the offset can be a string in this key which refers to the key after which the new array elements should be inserted.

One important thing to note is that if you try to insert a key-value pair in which the key exists before or at the offset, your key-value pair will not be inserted. On the other hand if you try to insert a key-value pair in which the key exists after offset, your value will replace the previous one.

Have fun! šŸ˜Ž

Categories: BlogPHP

1 Comment

Tayyab · January 15, 2016 at 1:17 PM

Hi Chris,

I am using your XLS to CSV Converter tool and have found it really useful. Is it possible that I can paste the folder information instead of browsing the excel file every time I want to convert the xcel file to csv?


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