One simple function that is on the roster to be released in EcmaScript 6 is String.prototype.repeat
. The following can be used to define it in browsers which don’t currently have it defined natively:
String.prototype.repeat = String.prototype.repeat || function(count) {
return Array(count >= 0 ? parseInt(count, 10) + 1 : -1).join(this);
Here are some examples of using this function (modified from the originals found on MDN):
alert("->".repeat(-1)); // RangeError
alert("->".repeat(0)); // ""
alert("->".repeat(1)); // "->"
alert("->".repeat(2)); // "->->"
alert("->".repeat(3.6)); // "->->->" (count will be converted to integer)
alert("->".repeat(1/0)); // RangeError
There is more information about this new JavaScript function here.