Many people are familiar with the math game 24, but not many know about the sequential triad version. You must make each of the following sequences true by only inserting operators and without changing the order of the numbers:

0   1   2 = 24
1   2   3 = 24
2   3   4 = 24
3   4   5 = 24
4   5   6 = 24
5   6   7 = 24
6   7   8 = 24
7   8   9 = 24
8   9   0 = 24
9   0   1 = 24

You can use any of the following operators on the left-hand side of the equation, but the right-hand side of the equation must remain untouched:

  • Addition: +
  • Subtraction (and negation): +
  • Multiplication: ×
  • Division: /
  • Exponential: ^
  • Modulo: &
  • Absolute Value: abs(X)
  • Ceiling (round up): ceil(X)
  • Floor (round down): floor(X)
  • Square root: sqrt(X)
  • Factorial: X!
  • Parentheses: ( and )

Feel free to post your answers below or you can wait until the answers are posted next week. 😎


ildar · September 30, 2013 at 3:05 PM

Interesting task. I spent one hour of my evening to try solving this task. I don’t know the solution for the latest example. I would believe there is real solution. Maybe something using complex numbers or exotic radix like Fibonaccis.

012 = 24 (in 20-based radix :))
1 + 23 = 24
2 * 3 * 4 = 24
3 * 4 * floor(sqrt(5)) = 24
4 + 5! / 6 = 24
floor(sqrt(5)) * 6 * floor(sqrt(7)) = 24
6 / floor(sqrt(7)) * 8 = 24
ceil(sqrt(7)) * (8 % 9) = 24
8 * sqrt(9) + 0 = 24
9 0 1 = 24

Also. There are more than one solutions for another examples like below:
floor(2 / 3) + 4!
4! + floor(5 / 6)

Will be waiting until you post your answers 🙂

POW Answer – Sequential Triad 24 | Chris West's Blog · October 7, 2013 at 12:01 AM

[…] Here is the answer to last week’s POW: […]

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