Recently I had to develop a solution which involved changing the HREF attributes of links in the navigation bar of a site. This had to be done on the JavaScript side because at my company we are the 3rd-party JavaScript solution for modifying other companies’ sites. That being said, I came up with one solution because the URL parameter was always the same but I figured I would publicly release the code for doing this in such a way that you can modify the value of any URL parameter:

 * @license Copyright 2013 - Chris West - MIT Licensed
(function(expCharsToEscape, expEscapedSpace, expNoStart, undefined) {
   * Modifies the given URL, returning it with the given parameter
   * changed to the given value.  The parameter is added if it didn't
   * already exist.  The parameter is removed if null or undefined is
   * specified as the value.
   * @param {string} url  The URL to be modified.
   * @param {string} paramName  The URL parameter whose value will be
   *     modified.
   * @param {string} paramValue  The value to assign.  This will be
   *     escaped using encodeURIComponent.
   * @return {string}  The updated URL.
  modURLParam = function(url, paramName, paramValue) {
    paramValue = paramValue != undefined
      ? encodeURIComponent(paramValue).replace(expEscapedSpace, '+')
      : paramValue;
    var pattern = new RegExp(
      + paramName.replace(expCharsToEscape, '\\$1')
      + '=)[^&]*'
    if(pattern.test(url)) {
      return url.replace(
        function($0, $1) {
          return paramValue != undefined ? $1 + paramValue : ''; 
      ).replace(expNoStart, '$1?');
    else if (paramValue != undefined) {
      return url + (url.indexOf('?') + 1 ? '&' : '?')
        + paramName + '=' + paramValue;
    else {
      return url;
})(/([\\\/\[\]{}().*+?|^$])/g, /%20/g, /^([^?]+)&/);

The following are some example calls to this function:

// Initial URL
var url = '';

url = modURLParam(url, 'q', 'search term');

url = modURLParam(url, 'name', 'Guillermo');

url = modURLParam(url, 'q', 'search term 2');

url = modURLParam(url, 'q');

url = modURLParam(url, 'q', 'termino');

url = modURLParam(url, 'q', null);

Feel free to re-use the code! 8)

1 Comment

Sindre Sorhus · November 15, 2013 at 1:50 PM

A better way would be to parse the query string into an object. The user is then free to modify it as they like. Then stringify it back to a query string. Think of it like JSON.parse/stringify, but for query strings.

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