A week ago someone asked me how they can format a date so that it returns the MM/DD/YYYY format. The following is a definition for a function that does just that:
// Definition for the toMMDDYYYY() function of all dates.
Date.prototype.toMMDDYYYY = function(delimiter) {
return isNaN(this.getTime()) ? this + "" : [("0" + (this.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2), ("0" + this.getDate()).slice(-2), this.getFullYear()].join(delimiter == null ? "/" : delimiter);
The following code is an example of how you would use this code:
var aDayIn03 = new Date(2003, 11, 01); // December 1, 2003
alert(aDayIn03.toMMDDYYYY()); // 12/01/2003
alert(aDayIn03.toMMDDYYYY("-")); // 12-01-2003
The following is a JSBin page which gives you the ability to test this function out yourself:
A more convenient way to format dates is actually to just use library code such as is available here in jPaq.
P.S. A special thanks go out to ildar for pointing out that I can use slice()
to save time if running thousands of times. By using the slice function instead of the regular expression approach and also the join()
function, I was able to shorten the amount of code used as well.
1 Comment
ildar · September 12, 2012 at 4:58 AM
Instead of
stringObject.replace(/0(..-)/g, “$1”)
use the following code
It is shorter and faster.