In VBScript, there is a space function which takes an integer and returns a string with the specified number of spaces. At times, you may need such a function to make you text look neat while working with a monospace font. Here is the code that you could use to define your own space function in JavaScript:

function space(num) {
  return new Array(num + 1).join(" ");

Basically, the space function creates an array of a length that is one more than the number that is specified. After that, the array of undefined values is joined together with the delimiter of a space (thus the reason for using num + 1 to ensure the correct amount of spaces). Finally, this string of spaces is returned.

1 Comment

Chris West's Blog » VBScript To JavaScript – Space Function · July 5, 2011 at 7:52 PM

[…] See th&#1077 article here: Chris West's Blog » VBScript T&#959 JavaScript – Space Function […]

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