There are a lot of people out there that no how to do file searches and Microsoft Word searches by using wildcard characters, but not as many people know how to work with regular expressions. That is the main reason why I added the RegExp.fromWildExp() function to jPaq. In addition, I have created an example page which dynamically generates the regular expression from the wildcard expression that you specify. Check this jPaq example out by clicking here. The initial example shows you how to write a regular expression that matches all text that starts at the beginning of a word with a capital “J” and ends at the end of a word with a lowercase “t”. NOTE: Unlike regular expressions, wildcard expressions look to find the smallest match possible.
Accessing A Google Script Web App From Other Accounts
Recently I wrote a Google Script Web App that generated JavaScript code and needed to run on a Google Site. Even though I tested everything both on my computer and on my phone I didn’t Read more…