
Match Beginning & End of Words

One of the things I had to study up on while creating jPaq was regular expressions. The reason for this is because I wanted a way for those who know how to use wildcard expressions, but not regular expressions, to be able to use equivalent regular expressions. One of the Read more…

By Chris West, ago

Escape & Unescape – Deprecated?

Two of the most widely used JavaScript functions that are now deprecated are the escape() and unescape() functions. This means that in order to ensure that your code will continue to work in all future browsers, you should use one of the alternative functions as was indicated on MDN: encodeURI() Read more…

By Chris West, ago

Solid Type Checking Functions

Now Available in YourJS John Resig definitely has some awesome code inside of jQuery. One of the things that I think is cool is how jQuery does type checking. After looking through the code, I developed my own flavor of functions using the same principle. Here is the code that Read more…

By Chris West, ago

Function Overloading in JavaScript

Method overloading is one of the nice things that exists in real programming languages such as Java. Even though JavaScript starts with “Java”, there are very few similarities between the two languages. Still, due to the power of the scripting language, there is a way to overload functions. The most Read more…

By Chris West, ago

Excel – Batch Convert XLS To CSV

Update!!! A newer HTML application (HTA) has just been created which accomplishes the same thing but in a more customizable manner. Click here to read the post. Original Post A few days ago, someone asked me to help them convert a large number of XLS files to CSV. Since, while Read more…

By Chris West, ago

Convert Anything To A Number

There are many times in JavaScript when you need to scrub the input and give output of a specific type. Today, I will cover how you can convert anything into a number. The function to do so is as follows: Now the question is, what happens under different circumstances. Look Read more…

By Chris West, ago

Private Variables In JavaScript

Often times, many people have made claims that it is not possible to make variables private in JavaScript. I am here to tell you that those people are wrong. There are many implementations from JavaScript guru’s such as Douglas Crockford explaining how to do this. Although these implementations will get Read more…

By Chris West, ago

Power Set

As I was beefing up my past implementation of cartesianProductOf(), I decided to look into set theory a little bit more. After looking through some Wikipedia pages, I found another process that may be of interest to JavaScript programmers that have to deal with sets: a JavaScript implementation of finding Read more…

By Chris West, ago