JavaScript – Cube Root & Beyond
Learn how to take the cube root, 4th root, 5th root, etc. of numbers in JavaScript.
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Learn how to take the cube root, 4th root, 5th root, etc. of numbers in JavaScript.
Update!!! A newer HTML application (HTA) has just been created which accomplishes the same thing but in a more customizable manner. Click here to read the post. Original Post A few days ago, someone asked me to help them convert a large number of XLS files to CSV. Since, while Read more…
There are many times in JavaScript when you need to scrub the input and give output of a specific type. Today, I will cover how you can convert anything into a number. The function to do so is as follows: Now the question is, what happens under different circumstances. Look Read more…
Did you know that you can do math problems in the address bar of your browser? Regardless of what browser your using, you can use its address bar to find the answer to an arithmetic problem. For instance, let’s say that you are using Internet Explorer and all of a Read more…
Often times, many people have made claims that it is not possible to make variables private in JavaScript. I am here to tell you that those people are wrong. There are many implementations from JavaScript guru’s such as Douglas Crockford explaining how to do this. Although these implementations will get Read more…
With jPaq and many other JavaScript libraries, it is very easy to do a shallow copy of an array. On the other hand, it isn’t as easy to do a deep copy of arrays. For this reason, I plan on replacing the Array.prototype.clone() function with the following: The above code Read more…
As I was beefing up my past implementation of cartesianProductOf(), I decided to look into set theory a little bit more. After looking through some Wikipedia pages, I found another process that may be of interest to JavaScript programmers that have to deal with sets: a JavaScript implementation of finding Read more…
A few weeks ago, I came across a question about finding the cartesian product of two or more arrays in JavaScript. For anybody who is looking to do so, I posted the following code on stackoverflow: It is important to note that the above code will only work on newer Read more…
A few weeks ago, I wrote an example page on for using the curry function to easily add prototypal functions to the String object. As I was playing around with jPaq, I thought of a few more examples: All of those examples will work with jPaq 1.0 or higher. Read more…
Learn how to get currency inside of a mail merge without extra spaces between the dollar sign and the number.