
From Wildcards To Regular Expressions

There are a lot of people out there that no how to do file searches and Microsoft Word searches by using wildcard characters, but not as many people know how to work with regular expressions. That is the main reason why I added the RegExp.fromWildExp() function to jPaq. In addition, […]

By Chris West, ago

getMatches(str, exp)

I recently encountered two troubling bugs with jPaq’s String.prototype.indexOfPattern() function.  In order to fix it, I ended up exploring the powerful String.prototype.replace() function, exploiting the parameter passed into the callback function.  I already knew that the matched text and sub-groups were passed into the callback function.  The thing that I […]

By Chris West, ago

No jPaq.openWindow() For Now

Up until today, I was interested in writing a more object oriented version of the native function.  Unfortunately, I found out that there are some major incompatibility issues between browsers.  Let’s take this example for instance: [sourcecode language=”js”]“”, “”, “left=100,screenX=100,top=100,screenY=100,height=400”);“”, “”, “left=100,screenX=100,top=100,screenY=100,width=400”); [/sourcecode] As you may have […]

By Chris West, ago

About Me

Job Experience Senior Software Developer at CopperHill Consulting (January 2019 to Present) Accomplishments Job Engine — It is code written in Python which runs as an AWS Lambda Function. Each job is interpreted as a JSON file which gives us the ability to easily change how the job runs without […]

By Chris West, ago