
JavaScript Snippet – importUnpkg()

There are many websites that make it super easy to import node packages into your website. One of them is If you want to import a package into your web page or website you can try using the following: As you can see in the JSDoc annotation, this function […]

By Chris West, ago

JSON.parse() Reviver for Dates

Did you know that you can pass a function as the second parameter to JSON.parse()? Doing this causes every key/value pair to be passed to this function for further processing. You can read all about how JSON.parse() and the reviver function works here on MDN’s site. Example Reviver We can […]

By Chris West, ago

JavaScript Snippet – parseJSONC()

Last year I needed a way to be able to parse JSON with comments (also known as JSONC). With that in mind I wrote the following short solution which will essentially remove JavaScript-style comments and trailing commas from the specified JSONC string and then the native JSON.parse() function will parse […]

By Chris West, ago

Python Snippet – Datetimes In UTC

There have been so many times when I wanted to have a datetime show in UTC. I am not talking about simply looking at the time and acting as if it is in UTC. For example let’s say that I want to express the current time in UTC. This is […]

By Chris West, ago

Python Integration – QuickBooks Customer Object Tidbit

Recently I had to write a custom integration which would sync customers found in QuickBooks with accounts found in Salesforce. We have been using Python to write all of our custom integrations so I have been using python-quickbooks and simple-salesforce. One thing that we noticed when syncing the two datasources […]

By Chris West, ago

Embed Office Documents On Your Site

Have you ever wanted to display an Excel workbook or a Word document on your website? Of course, it is possible to save files as HTML but it just doesn’t have the same feel. Fortunately Microsoft can actually come to the rescue. For example I have this sample spreadsheet that […]

By Chris West, ago